Monday, July 12

why are we here?

why do we feel the need to tell absolute strangers about our life, and how we feel, and not just generally but in such excruciating detail as to render the very concept of close friends irrelevant. this practice of bloggery reminds me of the movie Romance, in which the protagonist while indulging in casual sex remarks that 'sometimes it is easier to give oneself up to a complete stranger'. and it also brings to mind the curious fact that the most popular literature has been one which is based on fact, or better still fact-packaged-as-fiction, or taking it another level up, fiction-packaged-as-fiction-based-on-fact.


At December 02, 2004 1:21 AM, Blogger Rajesh J Advani said...


Sometimes a blog need not be a personal diary, you know?

It could be used as a modern home-page.
A niche you carve for yourself on the net.
A showcase of your thoughts.
Your work.
Your artistic capability.

Or, as in the case of some of us, a place to post stuff we write, that no one in their right minds would otherwise be ready to publish.

At December 15, 2004 12:14 PM, Blogger Priyanka said...

here's something that might help.

At December 26, 2004 1:25 AM, Blogger zaph said...

Rajesh/Priyanka, thanks for the comments, this isn't exactly an active blog, so i was pleasantly surprised to see people stopping by and dropping comments.

Thing is I got all enthu to blog sometime back, but then couldn't think of anything that i wanted to write. Whatever was significant, my paranoid mind refused to share with strangers, and whatever wasn't just didn't inspire me enough to type. So I started questioning the reason for blogging, and thus in my maiden post ended up contradicting its own existence.

At January 25, 2005 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can never imagine myself writing one, exposing my life to the world for self-glorification and pandering comments. It's exhibitionsitic!
If it's for a purpose other than self-aggrandizement, it's completely understable. But why would I want to tell the world where my dog pooped today, or what the colour of my turd was, this morning? Trust me, even if someone did say something like that on his/her blog, there would be some jackasses who'd write some 'intelligent' comments about the same, or worse still, sympathize. YUCK.
Okay, so maybe I have a mental blog. So sue me.


At March 03, 2005 4:47 PM, Blogger Senthil said...

Q: Why are we here?
A: 42.

At August 08, 2005 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and I figured you'd be interested in advancing your life a bit, call us at 1-206-339-5106. No tests, books or exams, easiest way to get a Bachelors, Masters, MBA, Doctorate or Ph.D in almost any field.

Totally confidential, open 24 hours a day.

Hope to hear from you soon!

At January 14, 2006 5:43 PM, Blogger zaph said...

29 reasons to blog, some compelling, a few not. but being me i shall not succumb.

At June 10, 2006 3:37 AM, Blogger sumod_talking said...

i agree with rajesh a blog need not be a diary... jus an album of word :)

for more details do check out

At July 18, 2006 3:27 PM, Blogger SternMystic said...

I will give you a topic of interest to blog on: VEGGIE WRAPS!!!!

Q)Whatever was significant, my paranoid mind refused to share with strangers
A)Thats why people blog anonymously, so they can reveal everything thats secret in their minds without worry of identification or branding

At October 11, 2006 11:51 AM, Blogger zaph said...

Stern: that's how they start
but eventually the ego overpowers and there is a strong desire to reveal oneself, and that my friend is a slippery slope

At December 23, 2006 12:39 PM, Blogger Scritch said...

Essentially I'd say all of us here are voyeurs or exhibitionists.

Besides there is no friend in the world with the patience to listen to the mundane details of our day to day shit, personal philosophies of life or our worthless opinions unless they're getting paid.

Highly paid.


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